2022 National Evaluation Capacities Conference
ITC-ILO Conference and Training Centre, Turin, Italy
25-28 October
Resilient National Evaluation Systems for Sustainable Development

Investments in building resilience must be evidence-based and targeted at the people in most need to ensure that no-one is left behind. The focus of the National Evaluation Capacities Conference 2022 is to emphasize the role of sharing progress and lessons learned in strengthening national evaluation systems, and how these systems are essential for countries to ‘build forward better’ and get back on track toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development underlines the importance of high-quality data generated at the national level to track progress towards development goals and course correct where needed, which requires strong localized evaluation systems. The experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic have only served to highlight this.

The NEC conference series is designed to offer opportunities to share experiences and learning between government officials, civil society organizations, evaluation associations, and the global evaluation community.

This year’s sessions will be organized around three intersecting strands:

  • National evaluation systems: people, processes, and systems
  • Sustainable development: people, planet, and peace; gender equality and social inclusion; climate change governance; fragility, conflict, and violence
  • Methodological innovations for a new world


Conference Proceedings

NEC 2022 Proceedings

The Proceedings capture the rich discussions from the conference sessions and plenaries and include the ‘Turin Agenda’, a framework for action and commitment to strengthen national evaluation systems.



Turin Agenda

This Agenda builds from the learning and experiences that were shared and debated during the Turin conference. It serves as a common agenda and collective commitment to rapidly and sustainably strengthen national evaluation systems.



Opening Ceremony
Welcome Videos and Keynote Address
Plenary 1: In an era of complexity and uncertainty, can we do without national systems?
Session A1: Status of National Evaluation Systems
Session B1: Evaluation and Strengthened Governance
Session C1: The need for Evaluation in an unstable world
Session D1: Innovating to Evaluate beyond the 2030 Agenda
Session A2 Assessing National Evaluation System and Capacities
Session B2: Participación ciudadana para fortalecer sistemas nacionales de evaluación.
Session C2: COVID-19 Response and Recovery: Evaluating National Interventions
Session D2: National Data Systems
DAY ONE: Closing session

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Plenary 2: Rethinking evaluation to address the crisis in the Anthropocene
Session A3: National Evaluation Policies
Session B3: Decent work and the SDGs
Session C3: Environmental Sustainability
Session D3: Evaluation methods to inform policy
Session A4: Challenges & Opportunities in Institutionalising National Evaluation Systems
Session B4: What can we learn from Sectoral Evaluation systems?
Session C4: Approaches to evaluation during the pandemic
Session D4: Ethics and Evaluation
Session A5: Financing National Evaluation Systems
Session B5: Subnational Evaluation System
Session C5: Engaging Youth in Evaluation
Session D5: Digital Innovations in evaluation
DAY TWO: Closing session: Feedback from the session streams

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Plenary 3: Fragility and Crisis as the new normal
Session A6: Fortalecimiento de capacidades nacionales en evaluación
Session B6: Supporting the development of National Evaluation Systems
Session C6: Evaluating the SDGs
Session D6: Innovations en suivi et évaluation dans les secteurs de l'agriculture et du développement rural
Session A7: Engaging Society to strengthen National Evaluation Systems
Session B7: Promoting Use of Evaluations by Government
Session C7: Evaluation in Fragile Settings
Session D7: Transformational Change
Day Three Closing: Session the Turin Agenda

Trainer: Jozef Leonardus (Jos) Vaessen
Level: Beginning/intermediate
Language: English

Interventions are theories and evaluation is the test. This well-known reference is indicative of an influential school of thought and practice in evaluation, often called theory-driven or theory-based evaluation. While having been around for more than four decades, over the last two decades theory-based evaluation has received new impetus and has become part and parcel of the toolkit of program evaluators across the globe. The ability to… Read More

Trainers: Stephen Porter
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Language: English

Workshop description:

Repurposing existing knowledge helps to support resilient national evaluation systems by enhancing the efficiency of the process, improving the validity of findings, and expanding the breadth of evidence that can be drawn upon. Using the potentially vast array of knowledge that synthesis techniques can draw upon with text and quantitative data is a challenge far beyond the ability of a team without applying… Read More

Trainers: Edoé Djimitri Agbodjan, Takunda Chirau, and Lycia Lima
Level: Beginner/ Intermediate
Language: English (The team will be able to answer questions and facilitate group work in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish as well)

Workshop description: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes that a “robust, voluntary, effective, participatory, transparent and integrated follow-up and review framework will make a vital contribution to implementation and will help countries to maximize and track progress in… Read More

Trainers: Dominika Wojtowicz, Tomasz Kupiec
Level: Beginning/intermediate
Language: English

Workshop description:

The workshop addresses the problem of insufficient use of evaluation findings in organizations, which deal with social and economic projects, programs or policies. It focuses on the observed gap between producing evaluations and using those evaluations for decision-making. This "know-do" gap is common to all policy areas and one of the most difficult gaps to bridge (Olejniczak, Raimondo… Read More

Workshop description:

This course presents a comprehensive introduction to the monitoring and evaluation of social protection policies, systems, and programmes. It provides an overview of the development of the main issues, theories, and practices regarding the design and implementation of social protection and social safety nets in a variety of contexts. The workshop will provide an overview of social protection and monitoring evaluation. Participants will be introduced to various social protection M&E indicators The participants will also be introduced to key… Read More

Trainers: Esteban Tapella, Juan Carlos Sanz, Jorge Chavez-Tafur
Level: Beginning/ Intermediate
Language: Spanish/ English (Team will be able to answer questions and support group work in both English and Spanish

Workshop description:

This workshop, which is based on a recent publication of the trainers' “Sowing & Harvesting. Participatory Evaluation Handbook”, concentrates on concepts, methods and practices in Participatory Evaluation, and is based on experiences developed in EvalParticipativa,… Read More

Trainer: Megan G. Kennedy-Chouane
Language: English
Level: Intermediate/advanced

Workshop description:

The session will begin with a short presentation of the history of evaluation principles, the Quality Standards for Development Evaluation, and the new definitions of six evaluation criteria.

In the context of a broader debate about the future of development evaluation, the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Network on Development Evaluation carried out an extensive global consultation process and approved updated definitions of… Read More

Trainer: Andy Rowe and Patricia Judith Rogers
Level: Beginning/intermediate
Language: English

Workshop description:

While there is now greater awareness and willingness to address environmental sustainability in evaluations, it is not clear how to do this. This workshop is designed to support experienced evaluation commissioners and evaluators to address environmental sustainability in evaluation even when this is not part of the stated objectives of the program, project or policy. The workshop… Read More

Trainer: Thania de la Garza Navarrete and Alonso M. de Erice Domínguez
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Language: English

Workshop description:

The workshop focuses on using incentive structures to face the challenges of making a National M&E System resilient. Through short presentations and interactive activities, the trainers will walk participants through the relevance and utility of incentives as tools to model an enabling environment that contributes to the sustainability of M&E systems. Demand and supply of evaluations, as well as the… Read More

Trainer: Ana Rosa Monteiro Soares and Tina Tordjman-Nebe
Level: Beginning/intermediate
Language: English Workshop description:

This course will focus on how the Independent Evaluation Office of UNDP, the largest evaluation office in the United Nations (UN) system, approaches evaluation, the kinds of questions it asks, the data it collects, and the reports it writes.

The workshop will begin with a brief overview of how UN values and the UN Norms and Standards for Evaluation shape the practice of evaluation with an emphasis on independence, credibility, and utility.… Read More

Trainer: Drew Gardiner and Jean Francois Klein
Level: Beginner/ Intermediate
Language: English

Workshop description:

Measuring outcomes associated with employment and labour market programmes and policy involves multidimensional concepts and methods to capture both the quality and quantity of jobs. Organizations often struggle to effectively measure employment outcomes due to a lack of common definitions and approaches which can cause bias and imprecision in collected data.

The ILO developed… Read More


The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) together with our hosts the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO) warmly welcome you to the 7th International Conference on National Evaluation Capacities (NEC 2022) in Turin, Italy from 25 to 28 October 2022.

Osvaldo Feinstein
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Frederick Shikweni
M&E Officer
UNDP, South Africa
James Muwonge
Head of Surveys
Lycia Lima
Deputy Director
Narcisse Saturnin Chimi
M&E Officer a.i
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Sekou Tidiani Konate
Expert Statistician
Institut de la Statistique de Djibouti
Sarah Klier
Team leader Evaluation Capacity Development
Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit / DEval
Gaye Pierre Weldadouar
M&E Analyst
Grace Igweta
Evaluation Officer
World Food Programme/WFP