About NEC 2009
15-17 December
"Share experiences, lessons and contraints in implementing national M&E systems"

The Conference provided a forum for discussion of issues confronting countries and to enable participants to draw on recent and innovative experiences of other countries. The conference promoted understanding of international standards in evaluation and advocated for evaluation to contribute to better management for development results and to improving public accountability and learning. It also prepared the ground for the formulation of longer-term initiatives to strengthen national capacities for public policy evaluation through South-South (or triangular) cooperation.

Welcome Address

Mr. Rachid Benmokhtar Benabdellah, President, Moroccan National Observatory of Human Development

Ms. Saraswathi Menon, Director, UNDP Evaluation Office

Ms. Alia Al-Dali, Resident Representative a.i., UNDP-Morocco

Theme 1: Current evaluation practices of public programmes at the national level: governance, independence and credibility

Chairperson:  Mr. Abhijit  Sen, Member, Planning Commission, India

Opening Remarks by the Chairperson

Brief issues paper presentation

  • Angela Bester, Director: Deloitte & Touche, South Africa

Individual presentations by participants

  • Morocco:  Mohammed BIJAAD, Moroccan National Observatory of Human Development
  • Costa Rica: Carla Morales, Vice-Minister, National Planning and Economic Policy
  • Mauritania: Ould Khattar Dah, Head of the Sector Policies service
  • South Africa: Julie Charmaine, Regional Director of the Western Cape Public Service Commission


- Ms. Charmaine Julie, Regional Director of the Western Cape Public Service Commission (to be confirmed)

- Oscar Garcia, Evaluation Advisor, UNDP Evaluation Office

Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks by Chair

Theme 2: Evaluation quality and existing capacities at national and regional level: national evaluation practitioners, research institutions, evaluation associations and networks

Chairperson:  Mr. Tony  Aidoo  Head, Policy Evaluation & Oversight Unit, Office of the President, Ghana

Opening Remarks by Chair

Brief issues paper presentation

  • Alexey Kuzmin, President, Process Consulting Company, Russia.

Individual presentations by participants

  • Brazil:  Joana Mostafa, Member Social Policies and Studies Divison, Comission of Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies
  • Malaysia: Mr. Mohd Khidir, Deputy Director, Implementation Coordination Unit within the prime Minister’s Office
  • RELAC Latin American Network of Evaluation: Pablo Rodríguez, Executive Committee
  • Niger: Seydou Yayé, Director General, Programme Evaluation and Development, Ministry of Economy and Finance


- M. Joseph Jonas Avrilus, Coordinator, Unit of Coordination and Programming, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Haiti

 - Alexandra Chambel, Evaluation Specialist, UNDP Evaluation Office

Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks by Chair

Open Space: Structured time available for informal exchanges and discussion between the participants

Theme 3: Supporting the demand for evaluation as an instrument of accountability: who are the key actors?


Mr. Juan Manuel Cordero, Vice Minister, Ministry of Social Development, Costa Rica

Opening Remarks by Chair

Brief issues paper presentation

  • Oumoul Khayri Ba Tall, President of the International Organization on Evaluation

Individual presentations by participants

  • Rwanda: Bernabe Sebagabo Director of Planning Policies and Capacity Building
  • Colombia: Diego Dorado, Director of Evaluation of Public Policies, Sinergia, Department of Planning
  • PREVAL Monitoring and Evaluation for Rural Development, Emma Rotondo, Executive Director
  • Association Marocaine de l’Evaluation, Ahmed Bencheikh


-  Mr. Seydou Yaye. Director General of Evaluation of Programmes and Development, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Niger

- Fabrizio Felloni, Evaluation Specialist, UNDP Evaluation Office

Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks by Chair

Theme 4: Towards an enabling environment for evaluation capacity at the national level: what type of support is needed?

Chairperson:  Mr.  Eric Shitindi, Deputy Permanent Secretary, President's Office - Public Service Management

Opening Remarks by Chair

  • Sri Lanka: Velayuthan Sivagnanasothy, Director General, Ministry of Finance & Planning: Department of Foreign Affairs and Budget Monitoring

Brief issues paper presentation

  • Osvaldo Feinstein, consultant former Advisor and Manager at the World Bank Evaluation Department and Senior Evaluator at IFAD

Individual presentations by participants

  • Benin: Aristide DJIDJOHO, Coordinator of the office of evaluation of public policies, Ministry of Forecasting, Development and Evaluation of Public Policies
  • Guatemala: Fernando Sánchez, Coordinator, General Secretariat for  Planning and Programming
  • Tajikistan:  Mr. Rahmonov Abdughaffor, Deputy Chairman, State Committee on Aid Coordination and Investment Promotion


- Captain Donkor, Acting Director, NDPC Monitoring & Evaluation Division.

- Juha Uitto, Deputy Director, UNDP Evaluation Office

Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks by Chair

Roundtable discussion: Towards a longer-term initiative on national evaluation capacity. What is the way forward?

Chairpersons of sessions 1,2,3 and 4 report back to the roundtable discussion

Panel Discussion on emerging conclusions

Identification of follow up initiatives

Concluding Remarks

Mr. Rachid Benmokhtar Benabdellah, President Moroccan National Observatory of Human Development

Ms. Saraswathi Menon, Director of UNDP Evaluation Office


- Oscar Garcia, Evaluation Advisor,

- Alexandra Chambel, Evaluation Specialist, UNDP Evaluation Office

Moroccan National Observatory of Human Development

Trainer: Agathe Devaux
Level: Intermediate/advanced
Language: French

Description de l'atelier: 

L’analyse de contribution est une méthode d’évaluation d’impact conçue au début des années 2000 (Mayne 2001). Elle est outillée pour comprendre dans quelle mesure et de quelle manière un programme ou un projet contribue à générer des impacts sur les publics cibles et bénéficiaires des actions, mais aussi sur son environnement. L’analyse de contribution peut apporter des éclairages sur l’… Read More

Ariel Zaltsman
NY University
Joana Mostafa
Social Policies and Studies Divison,Comission of Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies
Jak Jabes
Diego Dorado
Evaluacion Sinergia, Departamento Nacional de Planeacion
Carla Morales
Ministerio de Planificacin Nacional y Poltica Econmica
Mohamed Mounir-Zahran
Joint Inspection Unit (JIU)
Getachew Teklemariam Alemu
Development Planning & Research Department
Ignacio Tourino Soto
Evaluation Officer OPEV
African Development Bank (AfDB)
Mohammed Manai
Division Manager OPEV
African Development Bank (AfDB)
Angela Bester
Evaluation expert,

Angela Bester is an evaluation practitioner who has managed, led and conducted evaluations for the South African Government and the United Nations, as well as for international development agencies. Prior to her current role, Angela served as Director-General: Office of the Public Service Commission in South Africa where she established the capacity of the Office to carry out its Constitutional mandate to evaluate public administration. Angela has a keen interest in developing national evaluation capacities and served on the Board of the South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association.

Osvaldo Feinstein
Evaluation expert,

Osvaldo Néstor Feinstein is a professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid’s Master in the Evaluation of Programs and Public Policies, and a member of the Advisory Board of the Colorni-Hirschman International Institute. He is the editor of the Transaction World Bank Series on Evaluation & Development, having published and edited articles and books in academic and professional journals. He was a manager and advisor at the World Bank independent evaluation department, a senior evaluator at the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and an evaluation consultant for several international organizations such as UNDP, CGIAR, IADB, AFDB, CDB, FAO, IICA, IDRC, UNEG, ILO, GCF and UNESCO. He provided technical assistance to governments in Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as in Asia and Africa, Eastern Europe, and Spain. He has also lectured and conducted workshops at Latin American, British, Finnish, Indian, Korean, Italian, and Spanish universities and research centers on evaluation, development, economics, and performance measurement. Osvaldo was a professor at the Master in Development Studies of the Latin American Faculty for the Social Sciences (FLACSO), and designed the Latin American Program for the Development of Evaluation Capacities (PREVAL).

Rachid Benmokhtar Benabd
President, Moroccan National Observatory of Human Development

Rachid Benmokhtar Benabdellah, Minister of National Education and Vocational Training (Kingdom of Morocco), and President of the National Observatory for Human Development, started his career with IBM France in 1967. In 1973, he founded, with other engineers, the first Moroccan consulting firm on Information Technology. He co-founded and was President of the subsidiary of Parsons Brinckerhoff engineering company (New York) in Morocco in 1978, today CID. In 1995, he was appointed by Late King Hassan II as Minister of Education, and in 1998 as President of Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane. He was appointed by his Majesty King Mohammed VI as Chairman and President of the National Observatory for Human Development in 2006, and was named Minister of National Education and Vocational Training in October 2013. He is also Vice-Chairman of the Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science, Innovation and Research (MAScIR), member of the Economic and Social Council of the Kingdom of Morocco, member of the Hassan II Academy for Science and Technology, member of the board of the “Foundation of Three Cultures of the Mediterranean” (Spain). He is an alumnus of the Higher Institute of Aeronautics and Space Engineering (France), and the International Institute of Management Development (IMD Lausanne).