A 7. What Do We Need to Do to Make Sure “No One Gets Left Behind”? Citizen Voice and Inclusion in Monitoring and Evaluation


Trainers: Dugan Fraser, Aisha Ali
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Language: English
Workshop description:

During this workshop, participants will work together to review current practices in monitoring and evaluation and identify how to ensure that “no one is left behind”. The workshop will provide some content on participatory and inclusive approaches to monitoring and evaluation (including a reflection on the dangers of including vulnerable and marginalized people) but these will simply be a starting point for what is intended to be a lively and engaging conversation.

A number of practitioners will share their experiences (both good and bad) of seeking to ensure that no one is left behind and lessons and some principles for application in a broad range of contexts will be distilled.

The workshop will not be a typical training course, even though there will be some content shared. Rather, it will be a participatory dialogue that will aim to generate a useful outcome that will be presented at the Conference. The process will also explore ways of making sure that the “Principles for inclusion and participation” are properly stewarded and applied across a broad range of sectors, including government, civil society and by donors.
This workshop will benefit M&E practitioners from both the Global South and North with interest in sharing experiences and learning from others about “leaving no one behind” to strengthen their own practice and that of others. Outputs from the workshop may feed into the Conference itself and/or a contribution to the conference proceedings.