Adaptative management and systems-thinking


  • Anahit Aghumian, World Bank, Senior Evaluation Officer


  • Ana Acevedo, National Direction of Information, Monitoring and Evaluation System of Social Policies, Argentina M&E Specialist 
  • Anna Maria Augustyn, Independent Evaluator, Poland
  • Claudia Maldonado, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Coneval, Mexico
  • Millie Begovic, UNDP Strategic Innovation Unit, Team Lead 
  • Neema Kilembe, Prime Minister’s Office, Tanzania, Assistant Director, Performance M&E 
  • Rui Tao,  China National Center for Science and Technology Evaluation, China, Research Fellow
  • Seirah Ngcobo, Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, South Africa, Deputy Director 
  • Timothy Lubanga, Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda, Commission for Monitoring and Evaluation 

Discussion Themes

  • Systems-thinking is a holistic approach to understanding complex systems by analysing the relationships and interdependencies within the system rather than focusing solely on individual interventions. This is increasingly more relevant to evaluation and decision-making.
  • The current context of uncertainty includes some of the world’s most difficult problems, constant policy reforms and changes to national planning frameworks, changes in political leadership, human-made and natural shocks, poverty, high inequity, corruption and unemployment. Overarching all of these problems are the very large global challenges of climate change, pandemia, and the new science and technology revolution.
  • We see that many countries have inconsistent and poor data, lack of capacity, inadequate resources and poor inclusion of evaluation into policymaking.
  • Key instruments and components of systems-based evaluations and policymaking include the understanding and inclusion of the surrounding political economy, and a holistic approach to evaluations that prioritizes the main interests of the government.
Sub Title
Session B3
Milica Begovic

“The practice of evaluation ought to evolve into an intelligence sector for public good, where insights that shape decisions are produced as quickly as they are for the safety and security of nations.”

Milica Begovic


Claudia Maldonado

“Progress isn’t linear. Sometimes backlash or setbacks mean we’re targeting transformation, and this requires patience, resilience and epistemic humility—acknowledging that we don’t know everything is a form of knowledge.”

Claudia Maldonado

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Coneval

Seirah Ngcobo

“In South Africa, we’ve adopted ‘VUKA’—a Zulu concept meaning to wake up to volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. It’s about responding collaboratively and innovatively to navigate these challenges.”

Seirah Ngcobo

Government of South Africa

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Adaptative management and systems-thinking
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